Modified Denver screening criteria for blunt cerebrovascular injury
Last edited on : 22/09/2024
The modified Denver screening criteria for blunt cerebrovascular injury are used to identify patients requiring angiographic screening for cervico-encephalic arterial dissection after craniocervical trauma, and are widely used in clinical practice today. It should be noted, however, that there is no solid evidence of any difference in diagnostic performance between the original Denver criteria, the modified criteria or even the extended modified criteria (far too broad in our opinion). The choice of whether to use one or the other is therefore a matter for each practitioner to decide.
These criteria can be downloaded in pdf :

See Head trauma
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Wagner MJ et al., Comparing the Denver criteria sets for blunt trauma: a retrospective study of cases in Edmonton, Alberta, Br J Radiol, 2023 Aug; 96(1148): 20221116