Category:Medical calculators

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Medical calculators have become commonplace clinical tools, thanks to their ease of use and access via the web and numerous applications... for better or worse.

For better when they help standardize practices based on EBM, minimize errors or perform complex calculations. This is clearly the case with the calculation of estimated creatinine clearance, a score such as CHA2DS2-Vasc or a medical converter.

For the worse, when they replace the overall clinical assessment or provide raw results when detail is still required. This is the case, for example, with Glasgow or NIHSS scores, which are partially practitioner-dependent, and whose detailed score contributes to the quality of follow-up.

In between lies a world where each practitioner will choose between a calculator and a more traditional "paper version" according to his or her preferences and the context.

Pages in category "Medical calculators"

This category contains only the following page.